I'm under grace, do i need to pray against generational Curse, satanic curse, prophetic curse, parental curse etc.? It seems am beginning to experience what happened to my parent, I've been stagnant, No progress, my family are short-lived.... you know other question frequently asked. But i've been redeemed from curse according to Gal 3:16 you ask.. These are questions that race through the mind of some christains and it has left many in dilemma.
In a group discussion held on C&S Unification Unilorin Graduate Forum watsapp yesterday the Admin asked, Is it Scriptural for christains to be praying for curse breaking Or has all curses been destroyed by Christ on the cross? Is every curses broken and rendered insignificant the day we give our lives to christ? what is the message being passed in Galatians 3:13?
Opening the discussion, Feranmi stated that Jesus paid the price for all curses but for real some yokes have to be consciously wrestled just like salvation was paid for but must be consciously acknowledge.
Ignorance is what every Christain should come out from.. As the scripture says My people Perish because they lack Knowledge. Many have been fighting won battle ignorantly while some have refused to Possess their possession even when they have all it takes to win.
Just as some power and Authority in the Kingdom are activated at the place of prayers, so also are some victories claimed through prayers! The work has been done but you remain a victim until you possess your possession through prayers and confession. I think many are fighting battle already won through Christ and forgetting that we are sitting with Christ far above powers and principalities, curses... We allow the devil keep us busy with prayer points that's been settled ODG stated.
Raphael asked why do we dedicate so much time to breaking curses and it seems the curse are refusing to break? This happens as a result of Ignorance of the Victory we have through Christ, lack of faith, false knowledge ODG answered.
Still to the question on ground Raykab stated a very sensitive point that as a Christian we should always have the mindset that We are not fighting for victory but from victory. Our eyes of understanding needs to be enlightened that we may know what are rightful ours Eph 1:17-22.
Some prayers are being rendered out of fear and lack of understanding and this has made our prayer powerless.
There is a revelation knowledge first, then comes Faith which leads to prayer and confession of Authority. I believe if you have real faith, it will lead you to communion. A faith that leads not to prayer and communion is not faith in the first place. Kemi stated.
I don't think praying against curses is totally out of place, understanding through revelations matters. I once read about USA that whoever became the president must die before the end of the tenure, a curse laid by a part of India. Until USA researched and discovered it was a curse, they prayed and it was over. A Christian can come under a curse if he disobey God's instructions, when this happens he must pray for forgiveness and repent, faith wouldn't work if repentance isn't done. I believe nothing breaks a curse like revelation and obedience because what brought curse in the first place was Disobedience. Isaac explained.
While praying against curse, Some christains pay attention to them and prayer point rather than what the Word says. it looks funny in the eyes of heavens that we pay attention on enemy than savior in the place of warfare. If you believe that christ has won the victory, pay attention to him. hebrew 12:2a Winners stated.
There are two men in different prisons, one is chained and locked up while the second isn't chained or locked and the door to both prisons are widely open. Is there any difference between both of them? Yes there is! Until the second prisoner who isn't chained or locked up come to that consciousness and decides to make a move out of the prison, he isn't different from the prisoner chained & locked up. Raphael iillustrated.
If any man be in christ he is a new creature, Old things are past away and all things becomes new. Christians must approach every warfare as a victor and overcomer.
At the end of the discussion, some points were Note worthy;
1. Curses are real
2. Victory is real
3.Pray with revelation and insight
4.Fight from victory and not for victory
5.Desist from fighting battle already won.
6. Victory resides in jesus christ, until you find christ you can't find victory.
keep the fire burning bro