Wednesday, 21 September 2016

I Am a Christian, My Friend is an Atheist, How Can I Lead Him To Jesus Christ?


Arguing with an atheist will bring no effect, unbelievers may argue with what we say in the course of preaching Jesus as the saviour of the world however, they can't argue with the truth of a life that has been transformed by Christ in us.

In a Question and answer column published on Billy Graham's Evangelistic Association recently, someone asked Graham what can Christians do to encourage their atheist friends to seek salvation in Jesus Christ.

"My best friend and I enjoy each other's company, but I'm a Christian and he says he's an atheist. I've tried to argue with him, but he just laughs and says I ought to grow up and forget about God. How can I win him over?" the person asked.

You can point him in the right way—yet to be completely honest,  you can't win him over by yourself  (as you've found). He's persuaded that he is correct—and regardless of the possibility that  he has mystery questions, his pride will likely acts as a burden. Graham explained.

However, God can do what we can't do, and He can win indeed, even the most unshakable heart. What's more, that is the reason the most important thing you can accomplish for your friend is to pray for him, soliciting God to convict him from his sin and his pride also, persuade him of his need of Christ. Pray also that your life will be a witness to him—a witness to Christ's peace and delight He said.

Your atheist friends may  contend with what you say but they can't contend with the truth of a life that has been changed by Christ you show forth. Our lifestyles matters a lot Graham emphasized.
Encourage him to face sincerely the consequences of his atheism (which numerous nonbelievers, I've found, never do).

If God doesn't exist (as he claims), at that point he has no hope of life after death. Nor does he have anybody to swing to when he needs direction, or when life betrays him. He resemble those of whom the Bible talks, "without hope and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:12).

Urge him to examine Jesus Christ honestly and openly, as He is found in the Gospels of the New Testament. When he does, he’ll discover not only that God exists, but God loves him and wants to come into his life.

In mid year, Graham was asked how anyone could convert from atheist to Christian as it seem impossible.

Graham answered, they certainly could change, through God’s intervention; it happens all the time. I think, for example, of the countless people who grew up as convinced atheists in Communist Eastern Europe and the old Soviet Union, but are now sincere believers in God and are committed followers of Jesus Christ.

Admittedly many atheists today do all they can to erect barriers in their hearts and minds against God. Some even want to drive out any mention of God from our public life. And no matter how much you argue with them or try to reason with them, their minds are seemingly closed. The reason, I’ve found, is because they want to run their own lives, instead of humbly submitting to God.

Most of all, Graham said Pray for your friends who claim to be atheists and don’t want anything to do with God. Remember: God can do what we never can do, including changing someone’s heart and mind. Make sure of your own commitment to Jesus Christ, and then ask him to help you be an example of Christ’s love and purity to your friends.

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